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APA (7th Edition) Style Guide: Audiovisual

APA (7th Edition) Style Guide

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Audiovisual Standard Format

Standalone Audiovisual Media
Who When What Publisher URL

Director, D. D. (Director).

Producer, P. P. (Executive Producer).

Host, H. H. (Host).

Artist, A. A.

Uploader, U. U.




(year, Month date).

Title of work: Use sentence case [Work type/format].

Production Company.


Museum Name, Museum Location.

Department Name, University Name.

Audiovisual Media that is Part of a Great Whole
Who When What Publisher URL

Writer, W. W. (Writer), & Director, D. D. (Director).

Host, H. H. (Host)

Producer, P. P. (Producer).

Composer, C. C.

Artist, A. A.


(year, Month date).

Title of episode (Season No., Episode No.) [Description].

Title of song [Description].

In P. P. Producer (Executive Producer), Title of TV series.  Production Company.

In Title of the podcast.  Production Company.

On Title of the album.  Label.


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed).

Audiovisual Formatting Rules

  • Includes content that may have visual and audio components, auido only, or visual only
  • Formatting varies whether stand alone or part of a great whole
  • Author is determined by media type (see p. 341 of APA Manual 7th edition)
  • Work is described using square brackets following the title

Audiovisual Examples

Motion Picture Film Darabont, F. (Director).  (1994).  The Shawshank redemption [DVD].  Warner Bros. Pictures.
Streaming film

Johnson, S. (Director).  (2018).  To all the boys I’ve loved before [Video file].  Overbrook Entertainment and Awesome Films.

TV Series

Herskovitz, M., Holzman, W., & Zwick, E. (Executive producers).  (1994-1995).  My so-called life.  [TV series].  The Bedford Falls

company; ABC Productions.

Single episode from a television series

Daniels, G., Kaling, M., Gervais, R., Merchant, S., (Writers), & Gordon, B. (Director).  (2006).  The injury (Season 2, Episode 12)

[Television series episode].  In G. Daniels (Executive producer), The office.  National Broadcasting Company.

Video blog/Streaming video (i.e. YouTube)

TED.  (2018, May 2).  How language shapes the way we think: Lera Boroditsky [Video file].  YouTube.

Ted Talk (TED website)

Huang, C. (2018, October).  Chieh Huang: Confessions of a recovering micromanager [Video file].  TED Conferences.

Podcast Vedantam, S. (Host).  (2015-present).  Hidden Brain [Audio podcast].  NPR.
Podcast Episode

Welsh, E. & Allmann Updyke, E. (Hosts).  (2019, November 26).  Lead poisoning: Heavy metal episode (No. 38) [Audio podcast

episode].  In This Podcast Will Kill You.  Exactly Right.

Online Image

Griffiths, L. (2018).  Paul Pogba of France kisses the World Cup trophy following the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Final between

France and Croatia at Luzhniki Stadium on July 15, 2018 in Moscow, Russia [Photograph].  Retrieved from

Print Photograph Nadel, L.  (1951).  Poor housing [Photograph].  Los Angeles, CA: Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles
Music Album Lewis, J.  (2019).  On the line [Album].  Warner Bros. Records.
Single song Lizzo.  (2016).  Good as hell [Song].  On Coconut oil.  Nice Life Recording Company; Atlantic Records.
Presentation slides or lecture notes

Owl Purdue Writing Lab.  (n.d.).  APA Formatting and Style Guide [PowerPoint slides].  Purdue Online Writing Lab.